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Using Hashtags Effectively on Social Media

Using Hashtags Effectively on Social Media

There are numerous benefits to using hashtags effectively in your social media posts. Hashtags assist in discovery. They allow your ideal clients to find you when you utilize the right hashtags. They can help you stay in touch with existing customers. You can boost a marketing campaign with a well-planned strategy around hashtags. Utilize hashtags to actively research what your competition is doing on social media as well as track current trends using hashtags. The all-mighty hashtag also helps ensure that your content shows up with similar content, which increases discovery. However, this only applies if you have a strategy and are using the right hashtags. So we will be reviewing why it is essential to use hashtags and on what platforms. The general rules when using hashtags. What types of hashtags you should use.  We will also review how you research hashtags and how to put your hashtag strategy into play.

Why Use Hashtags?

Remember when you used to go to the library. Before computers, you would go to a large wooden stack of drawers somewhere in the middle of the floor. When you opened the drawers, you would find thousands of cards. These cards cataloged the contents of the library and made things more manageable. #Hashtags are the card catalogs of social media sites like Twitter and Instagram. They help organize all the posts that are uploaded daily into neatly organized buckets of things that are alike. Hashtags help you quickly find something you are looking for, and they help you get noticed! Hashtags are little organizational powerhouses when appropriately utilized.

Additionally, hashtags can also help you build your brand, build brand loyalty, and increase engagement. Since all of these things are key for businesses, we think it makes sense for you to have a comprehensive hashtag strategy.

Additional Notes on Hashtags

A couple quick notes on hashtags, first use hashtags that will help your audience find your content on Twitter and Instagram. Hashtags are not functional on Facebook except for the inside of groups if the group uses hashtags as a way to organize topics. When posting an update from Instagram to Facebook, make sure you clear any hashtags and check all of your @tags.  Secondly, research hashtags before using them and make sure your content belongs in the hashtag, and the hashtag is active on the platform you plan to use it on. Thirdly, the best way to research a hashtag is on the platform you wish to use it on, sure some of the apps are okay, but the most up to date and accurate info is within the platform.

Rules to Make Your Hashtag Strategy More Effective

If you want to have an effective hashtag strategy, there are some general rules to follow. These rules include some vital do's and don't like the following: Do research all the hashtags you plan on using and Don't use hashtags that have millions of posts associated with them. Check out the full list below.

Do These Things As Part of An Effective Hashtag Strategy

  • Create Content Specific Hashtag lists for yourself.
  • Have a brand-specific hashtag or hashtags.
  • Utilize community based hashtags. Community-based hashtags are ones that indicate a specific service, location, industry or event
  • Research the hashtags you competition is using
  • Review hashtags that influencers in your niche are using
  • Utilize hashtags that are specific to your niche
  • Use at least one hashtag in every Instagram and Twitter post
  • Research hashtags before you use them
  • Include hashtags in your content after a few line breaks or in the first comment

Don't Do These Things As Part of Your Effective Hashtag Strategy

  • Use the same hashtags for every post
  • Utilize hashtags that have millions of posts
  • Create a Facebook post and leave Instagram only hashtags in it
  • Use hashtags that have been banned on Instagram
  • Create a post complete with hashtags without researching the hashtags used
  • Utilize hashtags that don't apply to your content.
  • Make your post look “spammy” by overfilling it with hashtags

An Effective Hashtag Strategy and What Hashtags to Use

Everyone wants to know what hashtags they should use on their social media posts, and what I have realized is they want a one size fits all answer. Unfortunately, that answer doesn't exist. Why does it not exist? Because your content is different from everyone else's content, and because your audience is different from everyone else's audience. So nobody can tell you to use these 15 hashtags, and you will be successful. No app can promise you that if you put in your best hashtag, it will give you the best 20 to grow your business, it does not work like that. Instead you must research your niche and figure out the number and quantity that works best for your specific profile.

Researching Hashtags

The first step in researching your hashtags is to define your niche and create your customer avatar. Knowing your avatar creates a specific target for your content, therefore, making your research more accessible.

Going Down

Researching hashtags requires you to go down a bit of a social media rabbit hole so make sure to set a time limit, bring a pad and paper, and drop a trail of breadcrumbs so you can find your way out! Now, go onto Instagram with a singular mission of finding niche-specific hashtags. The more specific, the better as more conversation (engagement) is happening around super niche hashtags. Go to Instagram and search a fairly general hashtag in your field, look at the top posts and pick one you are attracted to and seem to match your brand aesthetic.

Scroll down and see what other hashtags were used in the post, select one that is more specific than your original, and see what you discover on that page. After a few rounds of this, you should be arriving at some niche-specific tags and going, man, I didn't even know somebody did (fill in the niche-specific blank). Make sure you are writing the more specific hashtags down or adding them to a custom list of tags by the theme which it goes. Whenever your timer goes off immediately remove yourself from the situation so that you don't lose your entire day. Repeat for each one of the types of posts or themes you post.

What you Are Looking for When Researching

You are looking for what are often called “community hashtags” They are hashtags that target a specific service like #weddingphotographer or a product like #freshlybakedbrownies or an industry like #gasgrillassemblers. Community hashtags also can focus a particular event #memorialday5K or a particular location #NYCwinebars or even a day of the week #wateringwednesday. These are all much more specific than hashtags like #photographer #brownies. Your ideal hashtags probably sit below this level; for example, I could search #dogs, and while hunting underdogs, I discover the hashtag #puggles and quickly discover #pugglesofNY. While reviewing those tags, I find two super specific tags #pugglestruggle and #everydayimpugglin.

Next Steps

After researching and looking for unique niche tags you will want to double back and take a look at posts from your comphetition, industry leaders and influencers withing your area and see what hashtags they are using. Is your competition killing it on a hashtag, but they have no competition there? Is an influencer identifying an upcoming trend in a hashtag? Also, pay attention to how many hashtags, where they place them, or any other differences that could indicate a change of preference of your audience. I do not recommend doing this first because it may limit your focus, and you may not find the most exciting tags.

Putting Your Hashtag Strategy to Work

How to Start if Never Had A Strategy

If you have never had a hashtag strategy and don't have lists of hashtags you use for specific posts, you are pretty much starting from scratch. The first thing you will want to do is to create hashtag lists for each theme. Keep these in a document you can access from any location. I also recommend creating hashtag lists for specific holidays, events, and other significant occurrences. Put those particular hashtags on your content calendar. Your next step is to begin utilizing these hashtags and seeing what works.

For each post, use a core list of hashtags specific for that content. If there are a couple of additional tags for a post you want to use add them on to that post, not into your core list. Test some posts with the hashtags in the caption after some breaks. Test others with the hashtags in the first comment. Finally, test some posts with five hashtags, some with fifteen, and some with thirty. What works best? Measure the success of each post based on the actual numbers. Not your gut feeling. Revisit each core list every few months and trim the dead weight and add new niche hashtags.

If You Had A Hashtag Strategy Before

If you had a hashtag strategy before and you broke your hashtags into content specific lists, I would recommend testing your lists against one another and see how they do. In some cases, you may need to combine the best performing hashtags from your old and new lists. If that is the case, just select the best-performing ones from each and create that third list and use that going forward. If the original list outperforms your old collection on every post for every category. Then you have a #winning hashtag strategy, and you go with your new list.

In Conclusion

To sum up all the key points here:

  • Hashtags are essential tools you should utilize on your posts
  • There are some best practices for hashtags like research before you use
  • You should always look to use niche hashtags and hashtags with less than 1 million posts
  • Build your own unique content specific hashtag lists to use with your posts
  • Regularly measure what is working and refresh as needed.

Keep these tips in mind, and you won't hate hashtags ever again!

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