It Started With An Orchid

How an Orchid Began A Mutually Beneficial Collaborative Relationship!

This story of collaboration starts with an idea and an orchid! The main cast of characters includes a retail manager taking on a new line of work, a newly established garden center focusing on orchids and succulents and a very kind, business-minded and inspiring “influencer” who does more than influence.

This story highlights what can happen when businesses play well in the sandbox of life together, understand the benefits of partnership; and having a defined and well-respected brand.

In the Beginning:

It was a simple idea and one that I list below as a way to collaborate with other influencers and companies. We reached out to @blonde_inthedistrict (Dani Sauter) to see if she would like an Urban Jungle orchid leading up to Valentine's Day, all we were asking for in return was a post on Instagram before the holiday. In actuality, what Urban Jungle got in return was a brand ambassador, a believer in the Urban Jungle brand and by extension a believer in JRH Graphics. And because she believes in JRH graphics she has supported other brands that I represent when the missions and beliefs are a good match, like most recently with Lea Berry Coaching!

Lea and Dani Get Down to Business Tips

Both strong business women the photo collaboration started early in the morning and was a lively exchange between Lea and Dani the entire time. They exchanged tips and trick, learned from one another and of course slayed more than a few photos that 21-year-old photographer Callum (ce_photogs) shot. Callum and I chatted about our photography experiences and the importance of social media and expanding reach. I know that I watched closely as he set up and framed shots and listened to how he directed his models. After all, it was an opportunity to show this old dog some new tricks!

Combining Strengths and Learning New Tricks

Learning and teaching is one of the values I share with the businesses and influencers I agree to work with. Exchanges of knowledge, ability to learn from one another's successes and mistakes; as well as combining the strength and reach of collaborators is the most important reason to collaborate.

Other Benefits of Collaborating Include

  • inspiration
  • Re-enforce the idea that you are a leading expert in your field
  • Expanded Reach
  • Expanded exposure and increased following
  • Future collaborations and partnerships
  • Increased sales
  • New Audiences
  • A different POV
  • New friends, mentors, and people who support your mission
  • A partner in crime to help you come up with those amazingly great ideas.
  • Not a bad goody bag huh?!?

All photos by @ce_photogs on Instagram!

So Here is Some Useful Collaboration Information

So I blabbered on and on about my experience with a portion of a collaboration but here is the useful stuff. Some info on influencers, questions to ask yourself pre-collab, what to look for from a collaboration and types of collaborations


An agreement between brands to work together on a project with the intention of creating something. In many cases on social the brands are working together to create content that will engage both of their followers.


An influencer is an individual who has an impact on a specific niche of social media. Influencers are normal people, who are often connected to key consumer groups, industry associations or community tribes. The importance of influencers is best understood when you look at who millennials look to for advice, influencers are peers of the groups they influence so as a brand if you want to gain the inside connection to a certain group look to see who the influencers are in that group.

Do Collabs have to be with an influencer?

Absolutely not, collaborations can be with other brands, people that make complementing items and other media members. Anyone! Businesses and influencers and bloggers and plain ole normal folks can all work together like one big happy supportive family!

What to Look for Pre-Collaboration:

Be smart and strategic in the way that you approach collaborations, know your audience and what they would like to see from your collaborations

Will you be developing content that is edutaining for your followers?

Do collaborators share a vision and a brand identity with you?

Are the lines of communication and brainstorming open and easy? Do you feel comfortable sharing ideas with one another?

Will the benefits be equal for all brands?

How will you promote the collaboration and what do you hope to get out of it?

Do you feel like you will be able to learn from the collaborator?

Types of Collaborations:

Be creative in your collaborations look at what your strengths are and the strengths of the other brands involved and how you can use them. Here are some ways to collaborate:

Giveaways: Woohoo free stuff!

Giveaway an item you wish to promote to influencers and other businesses and ask if they will post about it on social or via a blog if they like it!  I am a strong believer that in these situations when you believe in your product you should not even have to ask them to share- your product will do the work for you. I also believe in follow-up. If you do not hear anything back then follow-up with them, they may be busy and not had time or they may have useful feedback!


Photoshoots are a great way to collaborate because lets face it, we all need 9 zillion pictures a year to have the amount of content needed to keep our Instagram feeds alive an fresh, so these collaborations are great ways to get to know people and plan future collaborations, get some new photographers some exposure, and keep you feed fresh with new content!

Guest Posts and Story Takeovers

Guest posts on your blog or story takeovers are great ways to expand your audiences and expose your followers to new and edutaining content that is created by the partner. Keeps things fresh and exposes followers to a different POV!

Photo Contests

Photo Contests or Competitions: It engages followers and encourages them to contribute to your page. Each follower has their own circle of friends and can be viewed as mini-influencers each able to expand the reach of your brand with this type of collaboration. The other bonus of this type of collaboration is the creation of user-generated content which is awesome. When you share user-generated content you are engaging your followers with content that they are more likely to share, thus increasing your reach .

Get Influencers to Compete

Influencer competitions: Similar to above just engaging influencers within a certain market to highlight your brand and gain exposure.